Friday, June 17, 2016

petrol credit card tie up

caltex - sc, hsbc n ocbc - plus
spc - uob, amex n posb - spc&u
Esso - Citibank, ocbc n dbs - smiles
shell - uob, Citibank n hsbc - escape

cold storage, giant, metro, coffee bean, tung lok, singtel, guardian - uob
sheng siong, paragon/ tangs, starbucks , m1- citibank
ntuc, robinson, paradise, unity - ocbc
taka, crystal jade, starhub, sheng siong/ watson - dbs
suntec, vivo, ion orchard, tung lok - amex

Hsbc, dbs, ocbc do tie up with gv cathay or shaw

Maybank, cimb are less popular becos they have no petrol tie up

6 Main cc player uob , dbs, ocbc, citi, sc, hsbc

Electrical appliance in sg

TV bog from best denki and Harvey norman
Aircon sanyo 17 k btu from gain city
Fridge and washing machine Harvey norman

My TV evo
1. Sharp LCD hd
2. Samsung smart hd led non wifi
3. Lg smart led fhd wifi