Friday, August 20, 2010

Save the Wallet. Cook at Home #2

I love Italian food. So I invested a little bit in herbs & spices such as rosemary (迷迭香), oregano, parsley (荷兰芹) etc. These spices can make wonders. They are relatively expensive in Singapore. 25g bottle is about $4-$5. In the US, 1 tub (15g) cost < U$1. A small amount of spices can bring up the taste very subtly yet sufficient to satisfy your taste buds.
Let's learn how to recognise the spices.
1. Oregano
 2. Rosemary
3. Parsley
Linguini Bolognese...
1. Boil pasta (of your choice) in hot water with a pinch of salt.
2. While boiling pasta, heat up wok with olive oil.
3. Fry garlic, onion till golden brown.
4. Cook carrot with water. Simmer till softened. Add a little salt if desired.
5. Cook meat for 7-10 minutes then add tomato.
6. Stir in pasta sauce then spices such as grounded oregano & rosemary (optional).
7. Drain pasta and serve on plate together with a generous amount of meat sauce.

Ready to tuck in...

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