Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Compare less in life and just do your own things

Dont always compare between yourself and others and you will be less miserable. Instead spend the time to compare and do what you think you should do. This is a more efficient way since comparing diverts your attention and by focusing your attention on your limited time you will get what you want the most out of your life. You can call this a miracle but its always sweeter and positive solving problems this way. No one knows if his/her choice is correct or wrong but its better than staying put while time passes us by. Some people are wiser if they can tell what is the thing that they want in life be it family time or career progression. The worse thing is that many people are stress up all their life and still looking for an answer. Just derive more happiness in your daily life is a good start. If you start your day in sadness you will end your day in sadness. Look forward to everyday and everyday in the morning at least you know what you are seeking when the sun sets. Dont go home each day and at nite feel so tired and bored with your life. That is not what you are born for. Energy is limitless. The fact you feel tired and bored is because the brain is dull and you must reenergize yourself with positive ideals just like those millionaire, for them to save give then untold happiness and if you ask them to spend they will cry. Its just how you train your brain to think. Why worry about work when you are after work. You should be worrying about yourself and your family instead of the work.

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